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About This Project

Dear partners,

May our gracious Lord fill you up with his peace during these turbulent times.  I’d like to provide you with the information about Spain Church-Planting Initiative that we are launching with.  SCPI (Spain Church Planting Initiative) is a new initiative birthed from Leadership Academy which is a part of ministries of Fundacion Abre Ministries and Sevilla Theological Seminary.  SCPI doesn’t intend to be a mission agency nor a denomination.  It is an “initiative” and a project with a vision of churches being planted in unchurched areas in Spain and Mediterranean Basin.  SCPI exists to coach, encourage and partner with next generation church planters in Spain and Mediterranean Basin (Southern Europe, Middle East, North Africa).  As you are already aware of, in Spain the idea of supporting church planters financially and spiritually is somewhat new and often it becomes the biggest challenge for young church planters to have their basic needs met.  As the team coach I would communicate with like-minded churches and partners to meet that basic needs of SCPI team members.  Our initial SCPI team would consist of,

Ike & Helen Rhyu (SCPI Coach, Missionary with Avant, Teaching at Sevilla Theological Seminary and Leadership Academy)

Juan & Mari Burgueño (SCPI Church Planters Formation, Missionary with Avant, Dean at Sevilla Theological Seminary)

Jesús & María González (SCPI Church Planting in Málaga, Missionary with Avant, Coordinator of STS Málaga)

Alfonso & Karmen Castelo (SCPI Church Planting in Almería-LifePoint Church, Missionary with Allianz)

Jesús & Liliana Madrid (SCPI Church Planting in Vícar-Evangelical Church FIEIDE)

*More detailed bio for each team member is inserted at the end of this letter.

My personal goal by the end of 2021 is to raise €300-€500 per family unit per month towards their living cost.  Helen and I would serve them through coaching by the means of Team Retreats, Vision Trips, and Sharpening Ministry Tools.  I envision that within 3-4 years each of these initial team members would have their own church planting coaching group through biblical training, character formation, and equipping and assisting to meet their financial needs. 

I’d like to take this opportunity to cordially ask you and SEED partners to consider embracing this Initiative and partnering with SCPI through prayers, administrative and financial  supports.  

Sincerely yours,

Ike Rhyu


다음세대에게 우리의 믿음과 섬김의 바통을 넘기는 주제가 지난 몇년간 우리의 생각을 떠나지 않습니다. 하나님은 이 열악한 스페인 땅, 다수의 무슬림 국가보다도 복음주의적인 개신교인이 적은 나라에도 젊고 열정적인 교회 개척자 들을 부르시고 계십니다. 우리가 바라는것은 저들, 교회 개척자 들과 동행하며 격려자, 위로자가 되기를 원합니다. 이 목적을 가지고 Spain Church Planting Initiative (스페인 교회개척 방안)을 출범하려고 합니다. 우리의 목표는 스페인의 아직 개신교회가 없는 7,000여 소 도시와 마을마다 교회가 세워지는 것입니다. 스페인 뿐만 아니라 지중해 연안 지역 (남부유럽, 중동, 북아프리카)에 복음의 씨앗이 뿌려지는 비전을 가져 봅니다. 새로 시작되는 Spain Church Planting Initiative (스페인 교회개척 방안)에는 우선 5 가정이 함께 합니다.

*유익상/문희경 (SCPI 교회 개척자 코칭, 스페인 세비야)

*후안/마리 부르게뇨 (STS 교회 개척자 훈련, 스페인 세비야)    

*알폰소/카르멘 카스텔로 (LifePoint 교회개척, 스페인 알메리아)

*헤수스/마리아 곤사레스 (교회개척, 스페인 말라가)

*헤수스/릴리아나 마드리드 (교회개척, 스페인 비까르)

동역으로 초청합니다. 함께 해 주세요.  


El tema de pasar el testigo de fe y servicio a la siguiente generación ha quedado en nuestra mente por estos años.  Dios está llamando a los plantadores de iglesias jóvenes y apasionados en España, el país donde hay menos Cristianos Evangélicos que muchos países musulmanes. Quisiéramos venir y estar al lado de estos plantadores de iglesias y serles un estímulo. Con este propósito estamos lanzando Spain Church Planting Initiative (Iniciativa de Plantación de Iglesias en España). Queremos ver las iglesias plantadas en más de 7.000 ciudades y pueblos en España donde no hay presencia evangélica. Queremos soñar que muchos salgan a la cuenca de Mediterráneo plantando las semillas del Evangelio en el Sur de Europa, Medio Oriente, y Norte de África. En esta nueva Spain Church Planting Initiative, 5 familias reúnan;

*Ike & Helen Rhyu (SCPI Coaching, Sevilla, España) 

*Juan & Mari Burgueño (STS Formation de Plantación de Iglesias, Sevilla, España)

*Alfonso & Karmen Castelo (Iglesia LifePoint, Almería, España)

*Jesús & María González (Comunidad Cristiana Origen, Málaga, España)

*Jesús & Liliana Madrid (FIEIDE, Vícar, España).

Hágase nuestro compañero y ¡vamos a hacer esto juntos! 


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Seed International, Inc Isa Christian Organization That Has A Goal Of Sending And Supporting Missionaries To Foreign Countries

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